About You

You are the Author of Your Own Life

“You are the author of your own life” means, that most of my clinical effort is in helping clients take control of their lives, regardless of circumstances or personal and social limitations.


You are Growth-Oriented

You are inherently motivated toward growth where, when you overcome barriers to the growth process, personal transformation is possible. You are the author and expert of your life. I am here to provide space, understanding and encouragement.


You are a Whole Human Being

I work with you as a person not as a problem or diagnosis. I do not believe that a person who is currently struggling with an addiction, depression or an anxiety disorder is only that struggle or disorder. Human beings are complex and multifaceted. A person cannot be reduced to a mere diagnosis, or a series of thoughts, feelings, or behaviours.

You are Not a Pathology

I recognise that pathologizing behaviours and people reinforces the stigma of mental health and disrupts people’s ability to use their individual strengths and unique personal qualities to overcome stressors. Every person struggles with events, feelings, relationships, career, motivation and more at some points in their lives. I will not limit a person’s experience to a mere diagnosis.

Location: British Columbia
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