How long of a session should I book?

I often recommend booking a longer time for your initial session especially for couple’s. The first session can feel extra intimidating. However, once you arrive and start sharing most people find they have much more to say than they initially expected. At the end of the first session many people tell me they feel a great sense of relief and can’t believe how fast the time went!

How often do I need to come in?

Most people attend weekly for the first few sessions. After the groundwork is laid-out people find every other week effective. As things progress once a month and then only as needed.

What if I can’t think of what to say?

There is no right or wrong thing to say. Together we explore what is going on and the direction you want to go. If you aren’t clear on where to start or what exactly you are feeling I am there to spur you on. In daily life we don’t always have time and space to ponder and put it into words. You may be surprised as to how much you have to say.


“True Life is lived when tiny changes occur.”    -Leo Tolstoy


Location: British Columbia
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